Faith Education & Enrichment
Baptismal Preparation
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated each Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Pre-Baptismal instruction for parents is conducted on the fourth Monday of each month. Attendance at class is mandatory for first time parents. Contact the Rectory for an appointment.
Bible Sharing
This group follows the booklet, “God’s Word Today,” progressing at their own pace.
Little Rock Scripture Study
This program consists of daily personal Bible study along with weekly discussion and faith sharing in small groups. It uses bible study materials from Little Rock Scripture Series. Several sessions are offered throughout the year exploring various books of the Bible.
Marriage Preparation
Marriage Preparation Arrangements must be made with one of the parish priests at least six months in advance. All couples planning to be married in the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Buffalo must participate in an approved formal marriage preparation program. At SS. Peter & Paul we have a program run by trained married couples for one day preparations. Many areas of marriage such as children, communications, finance, etc. are discussed. Reservations to attend this program may be made by contacting Pre-Cana Coordinators. For other options of approved programs, refer to the Diocese of Buffalo website,
Parish Enrichment
The Parish Enrichment Committee is charged with discovering the spiritual and social concerns of the adult members of our parish. Programs and educational experiences are designed to meet those concerns so that parishioners grow holistically in their faith. Committee meetings are held once per month.
R.C.I.A. – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a conversion journey concerned with the total formation of the individual and the believing Church community. This journey includes a team and sponsors who, acting as representatives of the larger Church community, accompany the candidate through the various stages of the Rite. The process culminates with the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
Liturgical Ministries
Altar & Rosary Society
This group is responsible for the care and cleaning of the altar, making bibs for the baptism of newborns and the recitation of the rosary at members’ wakes. They meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the parish center. (September – June)
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest at the celebration of all liturgies. Any young man or woman, beginning with the fifth grade of elementary school, public or parochial, is eligible to join this group. Public school students must be regularly attending religious education classes.
To view the Alter Servers schedule, click here.
Bereavement Committee
This group of parishioners is available to help a family when they experience the death of one of their members.
Help in planning the funeral liturgy
Contact is maintained with the family for any ongoing need they may have. Reference materials for those interested in individual help or grief support groups are also available.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers assist with the distribution of Communion at Masses. They are sometimes called upon to make Communion visits to the homebound, sick or elderly. For more information on Eucharistic Ministry, email [email protected].
To learn more about this ministry, visit the Eucharistic Minister page.
Music Ministry
Ushers assist in maintaining a dignified, reverent atmosphere during liturgical celebrations. They greet the people, facilitate seating, take up collections and see to the needs of the congregation.
Parish Groups
Bishop’s Committee
The visitor presents a blessed medal from the Pastor and a booklet from the Bishop. The booklet contains guidelines for the parents’ use in the religious and moral training of their child.
Discussion Program
This group of mothers meets monthly (October – May) under the guidance of trained leaders, to share experiences and discuss topics pertinent to personal growth and self-awareness. Through this program, parents are helped to continue their personal development of Christian attitudes, which they hope to pass on to their children.
Pro-Life Committee
The primary concern of this group is to encourage parishioners to reaffirm their Christian commitment to human life. Under the direction of the Diocese of Buffalo Pro-Life Activities Office, the committee’s focus is respect for all human life at all stages of existence.
Youth Ministry
This group brings high-school students together for social and spiritual activities. Sports, service projects, retreats, trips, faith sharing and teen liturgies are all part of the program. Weekly meetings are held on Friday evenings. Occasional activities are held for 7th and 8th graders as posted in the church bulletin. For more information contact the Youth Director.
Women’s Ministry
Our Women’s ministry is a catholic sisterhood of women eager to grow in their faith and love of our Catholic church. We are a group of ladies that find friendship, support, while studying and deepening our faith through various bible studies and other Catholic faith- based resources. We want to become all that God design us to be while serving God through our families and our Catholic Church. We meet Wednesday night.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
We have a group of ladies who knit/crochet prayer shawls, then they are blessed and given to sick, often when visitation occurs.
Take them a meal: We have a group of volunteers who cook for and deliver meals to our ill.
Events: We have bake sales, have published a cook book, offer a Reflection Luncheon for our women twice a year.
We realize that there may be other important areas of need and with time, help, and prayer we may be able to address those needs. To join or learn more about our services, we can be reached through calling the Rectory at 649-2765.
Parish Service
Disability/Chronic Illness Awareness Ministry
The disability/chronic illness awareness ministry was formed in March 2013 in an effort to continue to make SS. Peter and Paul Parish community welcoming to all people.
New Parishioner Welcome Committee
This committee is responsible for registering and welcoming new members to our church. A reception is offered quarterly, by the committee and one of the priests, in which the history, mission and vision of the parish is explained. New parishioners also learn about and are invited to join various committees, ministry groups and organizations that enhance the spiritual growth of our parish community.
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is a representative body of the greater parish. It is composed of 12 chosen representatives and 9 non-elected representatives who are heads of various parish organizations. The pastoral council functions through various committees including Buildings & Grounds, Education, Finance, Worship and Youth. The Council is a forum, where parish related ideas, suggestions and concerns are discussed and acted upon. It serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor and takes a leadership role in the on-going development of the parish. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month (September-June) at 7:00 PM in the Parish Meeting Room. Parishioners are welcome to attend meetings and are encouraged to voice their concerns to pastoral council members. A list of members and the minutes of meetings can be found here.
Parish Outreach
Parish Outreach aims to develop a community of people who care for, support, encourage, challenge and affirm one another as concerned and caring neighbors. It is hoped that the image of the parish as “servant church” will be enhanced by its giving witness to Christ and his compassionate concern for others. Areas of ministry include: Visiting the homebound, the elderly, those in hospitals and nursing homes.
For more information on Parish Outreach, click here.
Social Ministry
The primary concern of this committee is to help those dealing with issues of poverty and social injustice, in and beyond the confines of our own community. With the help of many parishioners, some of their projects are: Providing a meal on a monthly basis to Night People, Inc. in Buffalo.
Sponsoring an annual dinner and one or two other fund-raisers in order to help the poor and underprivileged. Helping Buffalo Central-City parishes. Providing household supplies, clothing, toiletries and other items to those in Buffalo who are helping refugees, troubled teens, AIDS victims, etc. Working in conjunction with Parish Outreach on various Christmas projects.
Prison Ministry
In keeping with Jesus command in Matthew 25:36 to minister to those in Prison and in Hebrews 13:3 to bind ourselves with the incarcerated, Our mission is to reach out to our fellow men in whatever way we can. Whether through Bible Study or supporting other Christian ministries such as Keryx and Collins Christian Ministries, We have safe and secure opportunities both inside and outside the facilities to reach those who desperately need Christ and are actively seeking Him.
Elizabeth Ministry
The Elizabeth Ministry receives its name from St. Luke’s account of Elizabeth visited by her cousin Mary, our blessed mother. Our mission is based on Elizabeth’s words to Mary who was carrying Jesus in her womb. “And how does this happen to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43)
Our goal is to bring Mary’s son Jesus to “visit” our “sisters in need” in our Parish.
Elizabeth Ministry is an international ministry which has had great success in the parishes it serves. Those of us who have met to discuss this feel that there are four important areas where women in our Parish could use help:
· Pregnant or new mothers and mothers with young children: We offers Prayer manual at pre-baptismal classes; Mass cards are sent on Baptismal day; blessing for Mothers; have had “Play & Pray” get togethers, and after child care when needed.
· Women who have suffered the loss of a child for any reason including miscarriage, stillborn, sudden infant death, abortion and others, We have a remembrance basket of roses in the church foyer. Mothers may pick a coded rose color, write a note and place it in the basket. We also have had healing Masses and Prayer services for moms who had to suffer at a time like this.
· Parishioners visitation: We visit our sick, hospitalized, home bound, nursing home parishioners. We send weekly cards to the ill and sympathy cards to families of deceased.
· Single women in need (separated, divorced, widowed or single)
Prayer Ministries
Ministry of Praise
in particular, for parish members and parish needs. New members receive a cross, a book of prayers and a certificate at a formal commissioning service. Each month the members receive a letter from the parish, which outlines several parish intentions. This ministry is open to all parishioners, including those who are sick, disabled or homebound.
Prayer Group
SS. Peter & Paul Prayer Group conducts year-round prayer meetings every Wednesday at 7:30 PM in the St. Francis Chapel – with the exception of the first Wednesday of each month when a Communion Service is held in the church. They also hold Life in the Spirit seminars twice per year, in the spring and fall.
Morning Prayer
Please join the parishioners in praying the important devotion the Rosary and an ancient liturgy of the Church – Liturgy of the Hours.
For more information on Morning Prayer Ministry, click here.
Religious Organizations
Knights of Columbus (Non-Parish)
A fraternal organization for Catholic men based on the principals of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The Hamburg Council #2220 had its’ roots in our parish when it was organized in 1920 and now includes approximately 20 neighboring parishes. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Membership is open to Catholic men, ages 18 and up.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
This group is the compassionate hand of the parish. Their work is made possible by donations, special collections and the congregation’s generosity in the Poor Boxes. The goal of the Society is to assist parishioners and needy transients to successfully cope with emergency situations. Their aid is in the form of food, clothing and shelter on a short-term basis. If more assistance is needed, contact is made with established social agencies. Holiday time is the most challenging for Vincentians, as they work with Parish Outreach to provide holiday food baskets, including turkeys or hams, for less fortunate families.
Other works of the Vincentians include regular visits to Lakewood Health Care and serving as acolytes at all parish funeral masses. They assist families with parish school tuition and offer young girls and boys summer camping experiences at their St. Vincent De Paul Camp in Angola. They also help in the support of the Diocese dining room for the poor in Buffalo and help in emergencies such as floods and hurricanes.