Parish Outreach aims to develop a community of people who care for, support, encourage, challenge and affirm one another as concerned and caring neighbors. It is hoped that the image of the parish as “servant church” will be enhanced by its giving witness to Christ and his compassionate concern for others. Areas of ministry include: Visiting the homebound, the elderly, those in hospitals and nursing homes.
Bringing Holy Communion to the sick and homebound.
Being a Eucharistic Minister at Lakewood Health Center.
Providing assistance to those in need of transportation.
Helping parishioners when a family member dies.
To help its senior members continue living at home as long as possible, the Outreach office offers the service of linking people who need help with household chores or personal care with people looking for that type of employment.
A food pantry is available to anyone in the Hamburg area who is in need. Clothing is available on Thursday mornings from 9:30 until 11:30.
We are grateful to anyone willing to donate furnishings or household items in good condition. Our office is often called upon for these items by other parishes or agencies, not only for Hamburg residents, but for people living in Lackawanna, Buffalo and all of the Southtowns. The outreach office has reference materials on hand for various human services available to individuals or families.
If you have a problem and don’t know where to turn for help, call us at 648-1725. Visit us Monday through Friday at our Parish Outreach Center, 36 Pine Street between the hours of 9am and 4pm.