What to Expect
While we may be just one of many parishes in Western New York, we are part of the universal (which is what catholic means) worldwide Catholic Church. Since we stand united in faith with fellow Catholics throughout the world, we worship our God as one body of believers by following the Roman Ritual. Finally, we are a Sacramental church. This means we believe Jesus in the Scriptures instituted seven distinct ways for us to encounter him which form the core of our faith.
Our service, the Mass, is broken into two main parts. First, we hear God’s Word proclaimed to us from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (The Liturgy of the Word). Then, we offer thanksgiving and our lives to Jesus who offered his life on the cross for us. Here gifts of bread and wine are offered to become the Body and Blood of Jesus who nourishes and fills us with his very self (The Liturgy of the Eucharist). Sunday Masses last approximately one hour. If you have never been to a Catholic Mass before, don’t be intimidated. We encourage you to go with the flow and experience the beauty of worship. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus simply and beautifully invites us to, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. (11:28)” So come and let Jesus do what he does best!
Where to Park

We are so happy you want to join us!
Click below to download our registration form which may be returned by mail or dropped in the collection basket at Mass. You may also stop by the Parish Rectory Office any time Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. to pick up a welcome packet.
Our Parish hosts a quarterly welcome reception for new Parishioners so watch for your invitation!
Please print this form and return it to our Parish Rectory Office.