**Mark your calendar – December 22nd, after the 11:30 mass**
Have you ever noticed how beautiful the church looks at Christmastime? Decorations seem to just fall into place, not only reflecting the joy of the season, but also welcoming parishioners and visitors alike. While it’s nice to think it’s that Christmas magic, the truth is, the beautiful decorating job is the work of a few very caring, thoughtful, and talented parishioners. And this year, we’re inviting all to join us to decorate the church! We have a plan, and many hands make light work. Bring the kids, relax with fellow parishioners while you beautify our sacred space, listen to Christmas music (sing along if you’d like!), and maybe meet someone you’ve been seeing across the church for years. Afterwards, join us for pizza, pop, and … CHRISTMAS COOKIES! We hope to see you there!