Sunday Evening Mass Announced

Effective Sunday, September 10th, 2023, a Sunday evening mass will be held at St Stanislaus at 5 p.m..

Fr. Bryan writes: “With all of the families coming together and mass times changing, one concern that has come up is the lack of a Sunday evening mass. Please see the attached flier and promote in your family of parishes if you do not offer a Sunday evening mass.

All are welcome to join us at St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Church, 389 Peckham Street, (Google address 123 Townsend St), Buffalo 14212. Mass will be at 5 p.m. each Sunday. The campus is well lit, parking is fenced in and easily accessible.

Thanks 😊 Fr. Bryan”

Below is attached a letter sized poster in case you should care to distribute it to friends and acquaintances: