Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is a representative body of the Parish of Ss. Peter and Paul in Hamburg, NY. The complement is 12 elected and 9 non-elected representatives who lead various discussions on Worship, Education, Youth, Buildings and Grounds, and Finance. A forum where Parish related ideas, suggestions and concerns are discussed and acted upon, it serves in an advisory capacity to the Pastor and promotes development of the parish.

Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month (September – June) at 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory meeting room. Any Parishioner is most welcome to participate at any time! Write to the Pastoral Council President (see the Roster below) if you wish to address the Council.  Pastoral Council members LOVE to discuss our venture with parishioners.  A roster and minutes of recent meetings follow below.

Interested to serve? Download a copy of the Roster and contact members to learn about our Parish.

Pastoral Council Roster

Minutes of Recent Meetings


Parish Handbook Contact List