Eucharistic Ministers can serve in two ways: at Mass or visiting the homebound. If you choose to serve at Mass, you may choose which Mass time you would like to serve at, and you will be on a three-week schedule, so you will serve once every three weeks. If you choose to serve the homebound, you will be contacted on an as-needed basis by the Outreach office. Of course, you are welcome to volunteer for both options, as well!
Becoming a Eucharistic Minister
If you feel called to join the ministry of distributing the Eucharist, you can apply through the parish. You will attend a half-day training session (usually 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM on a Saturday), offered through the diocese. Following your attendance at the diocesan session, SS Peter and Paul will receive a certificate from the diocese, and you will meet with the Eucharistic Minister coordinator to learn the procedures specific to SS Peter and Paul. You can then be added to the Mass schedule or join the ministry to the homebound.
Click here for a list of currently scheduled training sessions, please see the Buffalo Diocese training schedule.
For more information about the ministry, please contact Lynne at [email protected].